FAQ – Most Asked Questions by People and Answers:
Here you will find most of the typical Frequently Asked Questions about Gcam APK and its Features.
Q1. What is Gcam?
Answer: Gcam is also known as Google Camera, it is an Android App that only compatible for Google Pixel Android models. If you try to download Gcam from Playstore for any other Android Phone it wont let you do so.
Q2. What is Gcam Port?
Answer: As you know Gcam APK only supports Google Pixel Phone brand, so to make it available for other android devices some trusted developers modified this APP and released on forum with the name of Gcam Port (Gcam Mod).
Q3. What is Gcam Go?
Answer: Gcam Go is lite version of Gcam Port, If you are using Android 8 or lesser version mobile phone then Gcam Go is the best APK you can use alternative to Gcam Port.
Q4. What is Gcam Config File?
Answer: Config.XML or Config.AGC are the file format which are saved in the Gcam Folder after you do some manual settings and want to export the Gcam Camera Settings. Gcam Config Files are transferable and reusable for other device Gcam APK.
Q5. Which Gcam Vesion is the Best for me?
Answer: With Each version of Gcam you will see Android OS supported, if you are using a phone with Android 8 or less then Gcam 7 and older versions are good for you or go with Gcam Go APK.
Q6. How to Install Gcam Port?
Asnwer: To Download and install Gcam Port APK follow these steps.
1. First Check if your Phone Brand Company and download the given Gcam Port for that phone.
2. Then Enable the Unknown Source from Settings >> Security >> Unknown Source.
3. Now open the downloaded APK File and install on your Android Phone.
For Further Support you can check theatre Camera2 API is enabled on your Phone or not?
Q7. Does my Phone Support Gcam APK?
Answer: If you are using a Android OS Device, (no other OS like Oxygen, Tizen, Linux, iOS) Then There are 99% Chances that your phone will support Gcam APK just download the given APK file for your phone brand.
Q8. Can’t Install Gcam APK (App Not Installed) issue?
Answer: This issue occurs when you neglect following important things.
1. You have downloaded the wrong Gcam APK not designed for your phone brand.
2. You might have downloaded 32-bit APK but your phone supports 64-bit APK.
3. You have downloaded an older version but your phone is using the Latest Android version.
4. You have not enabled the unknown Source APK Setting.
5. Unfortunately you might have downloaded curropted File.
Q9. Unsafe App Blocked – By Google Protect:

Answer: If Your Phone is using Any Antivirus or the Google Play Protect itself detect and block Gcam APP as Unsafe APP Then follow these steps.
1. When You See the warning, click on More Details option.
2. Then Click on Install Anyway option to proceed.
Q10. App Crashing After Clicking Pictures!
Answer: This issue is caused when any or all of the reasons given below occurs after installing the Gcam on any Android phone.
1. Motion Photos: Unfortunitely this Motion Photo mode is not compatible for few Android Phones, try to disable this or stop using this mode.
2. Incompatible Features: Gcam is a Stock APP and if your phone not supporting the Camera2 API then the hardware may not be compatible with the Gcam version for your Phone.
3. Use Different APP: Try Latest version for your Phone or simply download and use Gcam Go which is quite compatible for all phones without Camera2 API.